As a year ends, its always fun to look back on the good, the bad, and…you know the rest. As this is my site, I can make up some fun, imaginary awards to hand out to individuals who will never show up to receive them. No fancy awards show here. Just text and images that will waste part of your time.
Best Film That I Saw
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Now I would love to hand the award to a single winner, but both Inception and The King’s Speech offered something wonderful to watch. Inception provided another new Christopher Nolan and another wild ride for all movie goers. Inception was the most recent film that pulled me back into the theaters only moments after finishing that first initial viewing. The last movie to do that was…no surprise here…The Dark Knight.
The King’s Speech offered something special in terms of performance and story. From Colin Firth to Geoffrey Rush, I feel that any one seeing this film would enjoy it. If you haven’t seen The King’s Speech, find the closest theater and head that way as soon as you can. This will be an award winner, even without my simple Best Of 2010 award.
Best Album That I Heard
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This competition was closer than I originally thought it would be when looking back on my 2010 albums.
All Day being free didn’t even factor into this award. The amazing work of the single man behind Girl Talk cannot be summed in words simply because you just don’t realize how good his compilations are until you sit through an entire album. I can tell you that there are certain combinations that I never even dreamed I would hear (“Imagine” by John Lennon with “##” by ## and “##” by ## with “##” by ##). This album may not have been as good as the previous, Feed The Animals, but it was still good enough to take top prize here.
I knew nothing of Atlanta’s own, B.O.B., until I was invited to a free concert at California’s Great America. I was blown away with B.O.B.’s stage presence as well as some of his songs that those around me “assured” I knew even though I had not listened to any Top 40 or R&B radio station in over a year. After the concert, I took to the internet with my always favorite, Napster, and took a listen at several song samplings. I loved what I heard and instantly picked up the CD. Too bad that Girl Talk had to release an album in the same year.
Best New TV Show That I Started Watching
Yes, I know I’m late to the party for How I Met Your Mother but thanks to the encouragement of others and some extra openings in my weekly lineup, I joined the bandwagon. The cast of friends is perfect. The humor is side splitting and solidifies many new items into the pop culture universe (Slapbet, The Bro Code [actual book now], etc.). I even enjoy the “mystery” of finding out who is Ted’s wife and the said mother of the show’s title. The choices are narrowing and I’m really hoping the answer is provided prior to the end of the show, whenever that may be.
Best Sporting Moment
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New Orleans Saints losing to Seattle Seahawks in Wildcard NFC Playoff game (I just couldn’t pass on this opportunity to enjoy the Saints’ misery just a little more) |
It doesn’t get any better than the entire Atlanta Falcons season. As a Falcons fan and season ticket owner, this season has been phenomenal. With an NFC South title in our grasp and playoffs only a week away, the season has looked brighter than many could have hoped for. More than anything else, I’m proud of the team that has been put together both in terms of physical play and all round character. Besides, when Samuel L. Jackson is telling your fans to RISE UP, you can’t do anything else but answer the call.
I would love to give any type of real honorable mention here but my other team of choice (Georgia Bulldogs) had a painful year and bulldog nation should just be happy the season has ended. Oh well, I guess I’ll just wallow in the misery that is the end to the New Orleans Saints’ season.
Best Personal Accomplishment
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I’d be in real, possible loss of a limb trouble here if my engagement was not the clear winner here. Sure, my first half marathon was amazing but I only get one shot at asking that key question, “Will You Marry Me?’, and have the answer be an excitingly quick “Yes.” I’ve told the story before here on the site as well as countless times in person, but I smile more and more each time I think of my fiance and the life we will soon be starting in the coming year.
What’s Up in 2011?
The coming year will hopefully hold many new possibilities for me. I would assume that the wedding will be the biggest event for me this year and will take up much of my time (and finances). However, I know that this will not be the only event for me this year and those that I don’t foresee now will probably be just as good as those that are already planned.
Here’s to 2011 and a happy new year.
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