Hero Inc.

where heroes are an everyday occurrence



At one point in time, when I had more time than I do now, I loved to make simple quick movies. Windows Movie Maker isn’t much to advanced users of “cinema” creation, but to me it was short, simple, and doable. Take a look at what my limited skills were able to produce.

These videos can be found on YouTube as well.

Flash Animation
Back when I had more time to spend building my site’s design, I loved trying to create Flash animations. These would be intro loading pages for my website or other random creations. I’m not the top flash animator that is a secret to all. I do believe I had a few creative ideas and were able to pull many of them off with limited actual ability.

  • Ben’s Weird World (Original Site Title) Introduction – This was before I actually used Adobe’s Flash.
  • Ben’s Weird World Introduction 2 – I don’t think it got any better once I did get Adobe’s Flash.
  • Hero Inc. – Short and sweet with a little “My Hero” thrown in. Come to think of it, many of my animations use that song. I wonder why.
  • Hero Inc. (Comic Intro) – From the panels of your local graphic novel to your computer screen.
  • Hoogle – I can’t remember how long this one lasted but it was fun to make. Try entering super hero names into the search (For example: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Green Lantern, Google, etc.). For some reason the “Save Me” button doesn’t work but it was to redirect you to my website. No point in fixing it now, especially without the original code.
  • Hero Inc. City – A cool flash animation that sat atop my site with a hero looking to save the city he loves from certain peril.

I do apologize for these animations being perfectly placed on the pages. I didn’t think the extra time was truly needed to get each point across.

Home Movies
Everyone loves to take pictures on vacations and trips. And other groups enjoy taking home videos. Here are a few of my own.

  • Legoland Power Builder – No sound on this one, but I think you get the picture…err…video
  • Korean Folk Dancing 1, 2, and 3