Ranking NFL in Reverse
The NFL season is pretty much over for most of the NFL fanatics. My season lately seems to end with one playoff game appearance and then done. Here’s hoping that next season will be different for my Falcons.
With the Superbowl a week away and general disliking both teams, I thought it would be fun to rank the NFL teams in reverse order, i.e. rank based on how much I hate each team. This sounds simple enough but there are those middle tier teams that I don’t really hate or love. Oh well, this should at least waste some of my time putting together as well as yours if you are still reading this.
My Personal NFL Reverse Rank
32) New Orleans Saints – I can’t even begin to describe how much I hate this team. They could lose every game of the regular/post/pre season and I’d walk away with a smile on my face. Divisional rivals for years. Their recent success doesn’t make it any more fun as I have to hear about them everywhere.
31) New England Patriots – Not sure if it is just the Patriots or Tom Brady that make me hate this team so much. I don’t like any of the players. This could be similar to the Yankees approach where we hate them because they are good….No. I’m not going to accept that answer. I hate them because Tom Brady is a punk.
30) New York Jets – Again another team that I simply hate as a whole. I’ve liked maybe 1-2 players on the roster in the past but not true any more. And the more they run their mouth the more the hatred comes. Interesting to note I have 2 of the AFC East within the top 3. Theme? I doubt it.
29) Tampa Bay Buccaneers – NFC South rivalry appears yet again. Thankfully their implosion of a season was fun to watch, it doesn’t make that early season loss to them hurt any less. And they have a Superbowl win during a time when they had a horrible coach that I now have to somewhat listen to during Monday Night Football. And why does Gruden get a Quarterbacks corner? He hated every quarterback he ever had. He’s the Steve Spurrier of the NFL.
28) Washington Redskins – Terrible owner. Money blown every season and somehow they are still profitable. I don’t get it. Every year is the “it” year for them and they can barely make it to the break even point, if that.
27) New York Giants – Fans that are obnoxious. Writers that write crap like this. They have the fourth best Manning (I’ve never seen the mom play so I’m not sure if Eli should be moved lower). Every year they threaten to fire everyone but yet make the playoffs and this year to the actual Superbowl. They have Danny Ware (ex-UGA) but calling him DJ Ware just makes me sick. Of course this is funnier if he actually prefers that name.
26) Dallas Cowboys – This is the year. Definitely the year the Cowboys break through and return to the glory of America’s team. DOUBT IT! Why do I have to keep hearing this? They fail and fall apart. Owner is entertaining but needs to drop the ego and GM responsibilities. I did give them some love for taking Keith Brooking off the Falcons’ hands but can’t save them from this spot on my list.
25) Philadelphia Eagles – Yes, this is the NFC East section of my countdown. “Beast of the East”? Yeah right. Dream team was just as funny. I’m a Falcons fan and many might think that makes me root against Michael Vick but not true. I believe he served his time and deserves another chance. But the fans of Philly just don’t accept the talent that they have. They hated McNabb for years and I’m certain any other team would have loved to have him. Andy Reid makes them a contender each year but even he is hated. Call me when you have a team that didn’t have back-to-back winning seasons until after 42 years.
24) Green Bay Packers – Brett Farve….I hate that guy. Enough said.
23) Seattle Seahawks – Pete Carroll is who can be thanked for this spot. Wasn’t a fan of his while at USC and he’s not changed much while in the NFL. The only saving point for this team was the wonderful playoff win over the Saints with the Earthquake Run.
22) Arizona Cardinals – They bounced my Falcons from the playoffs but I can blame that more on Keith Brooking (BECAUSE I CAN) than anything else. I love Larry and think he is one of the best but everything else about this team just rubs me the wrong way.
21) Oakland Raiders – Owner really stands out as the reason. Also their fans are living in the past more than any other team I know.
20) San Francisco 49ers – Old division rival from the NFC West days though I still can’t understand why Saints and Falcons were listed in the West. This may be my new home city but it doesn’t mean I have to love this team. Before moving out here, I would have ranked the 49ers higher but they are slowly growing on me. When they move to Santa Clara, I’ll probably increase my dislike but only time will tell.
19) St. Louis Rams – Old division rival from the NFC West days. And….and….I don’t know. Not enjoying a team who can’t seem to stay in one spot (LA, St. Louis, wherever is next)
18) Minnesota Vikings – This is due to the 1998 season matchup in one of the greatest playoff games of all time, at least for my team. Watch NFL films and you’ll see the sideline reporters and Vikings staff chatting about the Superbowl plans when they hadn’t even played the game. Too bad they lost and ended up just making plans for ordering in while the Dirty Birds were on their way to….a bad showing.
17) Cincinnati Bengals – A coach that can’t win. A team whose facilities should just be the local jail cell. And an orange that burns my eyes with each viewing.
16) San Diego Chargers – They fired a coach who won 14 games in a season. They are always on the “this is our time” list but fail miserably. But man do I love those powder blues. San Diego Super Chargers!
15) Chicago Bears – I despise many things about this team but the Superfans always make me laugh.
14) Denver Broncos – I’ve disliked this team to the days back of the 1998 Superbowl (Go Figure), but I was rooting for them at times this year. I hated Tebow in college due to another rival, but I find myself cheering for someone who doesn’t have the skills needed but tries so hard that he makes all of the others around him to work just as hard.
13) Jacksonville Jaguars – Welcome to the portion of my list where I don’t really care about this team.
12) Tennessee Titans – See reason above.
11) Kansas City Chiefs – A team I don’t get to see that often but still find myself rooting for rather than against.
10) Buffalo Bills – Slick looking uniforms this year and a fan base that doesn’t give up. Even when the human body shouldn’t be outside in the cold they are still there every game.
09) Carolina Panthers – No true hatred for this division rival, but Cam Newton could make me begin disliking this team again.
08) Detroit Lions – Shocking as it may be, I don’t like Stafford, but I like everything else on this team. I’d move them more on the likable side of my list if they changed the game plan to just throw it up to Calvin Johnson.
07) Pittsburgh Steelers – I like the blue collar aspect of this team and the thought that they just want to run the football. Also hard hitting defense is fun.
06) Cleveland Browns – A team that loses this much just can’t be hated. They even had their team ripped away from them but their fans stayed loyal.
05) Houston Texans – Not sure what I truly like about this team. They aren’t great but they keep coming back each year getting better and better. Schaub, ex Falcon, does help along with any team that selects any other player over Reggie Bush.
04) Baltimore Ravens – Another adopted AFC team thanks to a friend living near the city. I like the attitude of the defense and the coaching staff. I don’t really want Flacco to succeed at making the Superbowl before Matt Ryan but I root for them to crush those higher on this list when possible.
03) Indianapolis Colts – This team makes it at this spot simply because of Peyton Manning. If he’s gone, then my liking this team will definitely change.
02) Miami Dolphins – This is my adopted AFC team. In years where they are bad, they are fighting until the end and never giving up. The team had the greatest QB of all time, Marino. And they are constantly putting Sanchez and Brady in the ground which is good enough for me.
01) Atlanta Falcons – There should really be no doubt that this would be the team I hate the least since it is my beloved team. Here’s hoping that in 2012 we actually do RISE UP!
Hmm….that went differently than I had originally anticipated.
Posted under Sports