Podcasting The Commute
Now that I have settled into my new city and been placed on a new project at work, it is time to deal with the commute. Please understand that this commute is by no means terrible even if it is about an hour and forty minutes each way (morning and afternoon). The trip is a straight shot based on the MUNI (if it is running correctly that day) and BART. I am able to have a internet connection for about 90-95% of the trip so if I need to do work I have that option. Some may say the BART is terrible, but I am provided an easy laugh twice a day as I read the “Committed to Excellence” Oakland Raiders sign that rests on the stadium.
However, there are those days where I don’t need to do any work and I can just sit back and enjoy the ride. Now my sister will tell me that I should pick up a book to read. Well I have picked up a book, which is just a book I started while at the beach this summer but never finished. It’s just that I can’t force myself to read along this trip because I’m very picky about my reading spots. That and I’m of the generation who doesn’t know what reading is. We won’t laugh about that in the future, but we can laugh now.
Anyway, I decided to get back into listening to podcasts on my Creative Zen Vision W, or the Betamax player as it is known on my project team. I have been away from podcasting in general for several years so I wasn’t sure what was still out there or what new good ones were available. Here’s a quick list of the ones I have found that I have enjoyed so far.
Podcast Name | Description |
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DiggNation is pretty much where my world of podcasting started out. DiggNation, hosted by Kevin Rose and Alex Albrecht, discusses the week’s top stories from the social news site, Digg.com. I truly enjoy the way the two hosts play off of each other and the topics can range from tech, news, sports, etc. It is usually a random assortment of “news” selected by those that post to Digg. I have listened to this podcast since it was first started as just audio. Now with video, so much more is added to the experience. |
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I’m not a huge fan of the news, mainly because it is usually so depressing and only certain stories are stressed in the political realm. NPR’s 7AM news report provides me a fast and effective update for the day’s news stories. The report is offered in the audio clarity that only NPR can offer and usually is not much longer than 5 minutes in length. Perfect for a quick update. |
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Pardon The Interruption has become my true DVR pleasure. Michael Wilbon and Tony Kornheiser are always entertaining and provide a quick shot of all the latest sports news. I love watching this show daily but I ran into an issue recently where I didn’t have time to watch the show each day. Thanks to the podcast, I don’t miss a beat. The audio only version of the show is not as good as the real thing but it is as close as you are going to get if you just don’t have the time to sit in front of a TV to enjoy. This one is not a push (Wilbon’s trademark). |
If DiggNation was my first podcast, then This Week In Tech is my tied first. A weekly discussion of the week’s tech stories is hosted by Leo Laporte. This is truely a geek’s show but I still find my chance ot laugh and enjoy another dose of tech talk. | |
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Provided by the same group that produces This Week In Tech and Security Now, TWIG (as it is known) follows the top stories related to Google or cloud computing. I’ve only had a chance to enjoy a single episode, but I did find it interesting enough to give it another shot. I’m just wondering if too much Leo Laporte in one week is good for me. |
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Not long after I was listening to TWIT and DiggNation while in college, Security Now! began. I gave it a listen a few times in order to find out more within the security industry (might need this for work), but I just haven’t been able to consistently enjoy it. That basically means I’ll drop it soon, but for those that are concerned with their computer security, then give the show a chance. The show does find itself able to explain even the high level security issues so that normal users can understand them and how they could be affected. |
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DiggNation was the first of many shows to come for the Revision3 online network. For those familiar with the days of TechTV, you’ll notice many old faces. AppJudgement provides a simple review of applications or “apps” for smartphones. These reviews are for both iPhone and Android phones. Since I’m close to purchasing a smartphone (NOT AN IPHONE), I thought it’d be a great idea to begin finding some apps that I’d find useful. The show runs between 5-10 minutes so it is easy to get in, learn, and get out. |
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With my enjoyment of Alex Albrecht from DiggNation (that’s too many plugs for that show), I thought I would try his second Revision3 show, The Totally Rad Show. TRS discusses movies, video games, and comic books. I tried a single episode and enjoyed it but not sure if I will continue thanks to a few of the other shows below. |
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Need a review of current and future video games? Well, CO-OP is a well produced show that does just that. My introduction to the show was an older episode that discussed Uncharted 2 and Super Mario Bros. Wii since I had just played both of them recently. My time to spend playing games is not what it used to be but I might follow this show every now and then if I’m looking to find a new game to try. |
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InstMsgs had the most interesting concept in that they dramatize all things web. From instant messages to craigslist ads, they do it all. I first heard of this show from the first podcast listed above (I can’t name it again or I might have to start paying fees) and thought “Why not?” Well I jumped on for episode 8(Mad Men?) and that’s about as far as I’m going to get. The show was good and interesting but I don’t know if it is enough for me to keep going with it. Those who find lolcats funny might want to try episode 10. |
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A podcast about comics? I’m so there! The discussion is sporadic in the episode (I’m only one in as of posting), but that’s the only way to describe comic book stories. Finding new comics, diving deeper into stories, or providing interviews, this is a great stop to keep up or find out more about the world of comics. |
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Since moving to Linux, I wanted a chance to learn more on a more consistent basis. When I found Linux Outlaws, I thought that a podcast could be the perfect place if it was done correctly. Well I’m only one show in (Simple Doesn’t Equal Shit) and I have a few thoughts. First, I will not continue with this one if the running time is around 2 hours for each show. I need shows that are an hour or under to truly enjoy a show during the commute. Two hours is just way too much for me. Second, the content is there in this one. They discuss different flavors/distros, new application updates, and news within the Linux world. As long as the time is shortened for future episodes, I’ll continue listening along. |
Anyone have any others I should try? I am interested in checking out others that are not only tech based but I do like what I like.
Posted under Games, Heroes, Internet, Linux, Movies, Sports | Tagged as diggnation, podcasts, twit
February 1st, 2010 at 2:14 pm
NPR=awesome. Plus, give reading another chance:)
February 3rd, 2010 at 5:31 pm
You introduced me to a few new podcasts and reminded me of a few others. I listen to a lot of gaming podcasts, but this week, they won’t last me through my commutes. I will be giving some of these a try.
Oh, and don’t forget the app called Listen on the Eris. I don’t even use my iPod for podcasts anymore.
February 4th, 2010 at 3:04 am
I have a commedy podcast I listen to called uhh yeah dude that I love. Its 2 guys talking about the events of the week. One of the guys is john larroquette’s son. You can check out a couple of their clips on youtube first to see if you think they are funny. I’d recommend the clips ” uhh yeah dude – denny’s”, “uhh yeah dude – parenting” and “uhh yeah dude fergoli”.
February 4th, 2010 at 3:04 am
That’s a pretty damn good list. I listen to a lot of the same ones and immediately thought of TRS when I saw you had this note. I would suggest testing out the following:
Planet Money – short, and simple about the economy and a bit of politics. Very well produced and quite interesting.
Stuff You Should Know – how stuff works podcast about random things. Coming from the offices of a certain Mrs. Keener, and the hosts Josh and Chuck are incredibly funny, but also do well to inform…. See More
This American Life – this is a top 3 for me. Coming from Chicago public radio, they feature an hours worth of stories around a certain theme. I undoubtedly get sucked in each episode.
Kevin Pollak’s Chat Show – coming straight from the mind of KP himself, it’s a play on Charlie Rose but oh so very funny and tailored for the internet. Each week some sort of celebrity is interviewed delving into how they started out and their journey to where they are today. If you want a quick teaser clip, just search for “kevin pollak larry king game.”