Hero Inc.

where heroes are an everyday occurrence


25 Things

For those facebookers out there, I recently was tagged in a note by the wonderful and talented May Park Square Pants. Apparently the new hip thing in the world of social networking is to create a list of 25 things that people may or may not know about you….err….me. Since my notes are the same as posts on my site, this is the perfect place to put up my 25 Things That People May or May Not Know About Me.

  1. I’m in a video game.  That’s right.  I have completed every boy’s dream.  I appear in NCAA 2006 (for PS2 and Xbox).  I’m the first “G” of Georgia when the Georgia intro is played.
  2. My favorite vacation spot is in New Smyrna Beach, FL.  It is nice and quiet.  Not many people go to this beach but it is close to Destin and has many great places to eat.  My memories there are great and not so great.
  3. My first concert was DC Talk at the Omni.  Thanks to Will for this trip.
  4. For a class senior trip, Will (see above) and I headed on a road trip that followed the Warped Tour to multiple venues in Atlanta, Tampa, and Jacksonville.  I can quote Flogging Molly since their set was a repeat at every location.
  5. In High School, I was the ultimate geek/nerd as I was a member of the marching band (trombone) for one year as a freshman.  The highlight of the year was when I performed a solo for Unchained Melody in Newnan.
  6. My first speeding ticket (yes, I’ve had several) included 5 police cars driving up my driveway to give me the ticket.  They thought that I was trying to illude them due to my quick speed up the driveway.
  7. The first NFL player I remember when I was younger was Reggie White.
  8. I played chicken against my brother when we were younger.  I was on a bicycle and he was on the go-kart.  I won (because he couldn’t hurt the youngest) and he lost when he swerved and ran through an ant bed.
  9. I’m terrified of having Alzheimer’s when I get older.
  10. I was a member of the Thomaston Wrestling Federation.  That’s right, backyard wrestling at its best.  I was a wrestler, announcer, and referee.  Of course, we were all required to take on multiple jobs back then.
  11. While I was in high school, I coached a U-10 team that went undefeated.  Of course, we did have 3 of the best players in the league.
  12. I can’t stand to be called Benji.  Ben Ben, Ben, Benjamin, and Jamin are all acceptable alternatives. This is not acceptable.
  13. I had my bank account cleaned out when I was hacked due to purchasing music online illegally while in college.
  14. I never originally wanted to attend the University of Georgia.  I actually wanted to attend any other college, not limited but including Georgia Tech and Auburn.
  15. When I was in the 2nd or 3rd grade, I had my left hand sliced when I tried to grab a rake from the barn at our house.  It required 5 stiches.
  16. I can sing “The Distance” by Cake from start to finish without the music and stay on beat.
  17. Les Miserables is one of my favorite plays mainly due to the songs.  Sometimes you can catch me at work or home listening to a full recording.
  18. The first book I remember receiving on my own was Arthur’s Halloween.
  19. In college, I would carry Donatello with me on big test days so that he could help me.  He was the smartest.  One guy even asked to borrow him once I had finished my test.
  20. Late high school / early college, I wrote poetry.  It was really bad.
  21. When I was in kindegarten, I tried to jump through one of the holes in a spiderweb.  I ended up hitting my head on the bar and had to go to the hospital to stich my head.
  22. The best ringtone I ever had was one I had to program myself.  It was the theme to Zelda. Man, I miss MIDI ringtones.
  23. Whenever I play Mario games, I always select Wario as my character regardless of his skills, or lack there of.
  24. I had a huge fascination with Canada at one point in time.  I’ve never been there, but I’ve always wanted to go.
  25. I still wish I had my old Crown Victoria to drive.
Posted under Internet, Other


will bramlett Says:
February 3rd, 2009 at 11:52 pm

Wow. Talk about embarrassing.


Espen Vestgård Pettersson Says:
February 4th, 2009 at 3:52 am

good read mate,,,have to make one of my own!

Mike Faria Says:
February 4th, 2009 at 6:36 am

LOL i didn't know your account was cleaned out because of allofmp3. I told you to just use bittorrent. what a n00b

Ian Perry-Okpara Says:
February 4th, 2009 at 7:05 am

#2: Dude where'd you get that outfit from? For a minute I could've sworn you were from Canada! 🙂
#23: What's up with Mario Kart? I'm sporting a 7800VR these days with my 'identical' Mii character as you put it lol.

We gotta catch up man!

Casper Wood Says:
February 4th, 2009 at 7:58 am

Granted, I only heard and did not participate in any of these, I do remember something similar to Brian's story where you threw me out of a moving go-kart. I'm pretty sure I probably cried, and I would definitely kick my past childhood self for being a wuss, but you totally threw me out of that thing in your driveway.

Brittany Houtz Bramlett Says:
February 4th, 2009 at 1:48 pm

I didn't want to go to UGA either. For some reason, I really wanted to go to Berry College…so glad I came to my senses:)

Allison Trice Jimenez Says:
February 4th, 2009 at 6:20 pm

Your Crown Victoria?!!! Let's get one thing straight, bro, I helped make the Crown Vic acceptable (which was not an easy task). You may have added a hula girl and some weird hero stuff, but I was the OG of the Vic!!

David Norfolk Says:
February 4th, 2009 at 9:28 pm

i knew 7 of them

will bramlett Says:
February 4th, 2009 at 9:56 pm

What happened to that hula girl by the way?

Don't let Ace Ventura near that thing, by the way.

will bramlett Says:
February 4th, 2009 at 9:57 pm

What does Canada have to do with the beach, by the way?

Benjamin Trice Says:
February 4th, 2009 at 10:47 pm

The hula girl broke due to the heat of the sun.

I've fixed that beach canada link on my site (heroinc.org), but it has not been picked up by Facebook.

Benjamin Trice Says:
February 4th, 2009 at 10:50 pm

And trust me, the updated beach picture is much better than the Canadian one.

will bramlett Says:
February 4th, 2009 at 10:59 pm

I thought "someone" ripped it off ;-D

David Bethea Says:
February 4th, 2009 at 11:12 pm

How come you never lent Donatello to me?

Brian Huckaby Says:
February 6th, 2009 at 5:24 pm

Great list, man! I never knew you were in a wrestling league!

Nur Tomar Says:
February 7th, 2009 at 4:48 am

canada is still a dream? after norway did you change your mind about cold weathered countries lol : ) or still a fan of winter ? heuhe

Doris Yu Says:
February 10th, 2009 at 10:44 am

1) didn't i help you paint that "G" on you?!? i should've gotten some credit…
10) you guys used to have TWF practice rounds at our apt in athens.
20) your poetry was deep, ben. real deep.