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Archive for the ‘Movies’ Category


Year In Review – 2008

Another year is down and I’m just a little bit older.  With 2009 here and now, we take a quick look back across the board on the year that was 2008.


I picked up several great CDs over the course of the year, but there has to be one that is a cut above the rest.  When I opened up Amarok to see which albums were listed for this year, I quickly and easily knew the answer.

Winner Girl Talk - Feed The Animals Feed The Animals by Girl Talk

This CD is a mix of everything you have heard and nothing you have ever heard. I’ve tried the other Girl Talk albums, but this one is where Girl Talk really found the right formula. The songs move from one to the next as a seamless transition. The album takes you back across your life as you pick out all of the songs used to make the mix. I’m personally a fan of “Hands In The Air” and “Play Your Part (Pt. 1)”.

Honorable Mention Counting Crows - Saturday Nights and Sunday Mornings Saturday Nights and Sunday Mornings by Counting Crows

Let me start by saying James is going to kill me for giving this Honorable Mention. I guess I better now shy away from Bama jokes. Anyway, Saturday Nights and Sunday Mornings is easiest to describe as an infusion of “August and Everything After” and “Recovering The Satellites”. Not really sure why I would review this item again, but “When I Dream of Michelangelo” and “Come Around” still top my list for great songs on this album. The more I have heard “Come Around” on the radio the more it has become a CC mainstay for me.


2008 was the year of hype and that usually leads to disappointment, but it seems that for once the hype was for real and we were all happy to fork over our 10+ dollars.

Winner The Dark Knight The Dark Knight

TDK led the reviews for the year (both critic and consumer). The hype was a fear factor in my eyes but this movie went above and beyond so many other “comic book” movies that it stands as simply a great movie. I’m not sure I can say much more for Batman and the Clown Prince of Gotham.

Honorable Mention Hellboy II Hellboy II and Iron Man

The poster may be of Hellboy II but that is simply because I don’t believe it received as much praise as Iron Man did. Hellboy II was much better than the first despite any rumors you might have heard. Iron Man was great as well even if it included Gwyneth. Hellboy II may be ending its franchise (or it looks that way) but Iron Man is only the beginning (Iron Man 2 and Avengers already in the works). However, like I said before, TDK raised the bar significantly.

Heroes. 30 Rock. ER (The final season). Fringe. The Simpsons.

There were many great episodes but I’m not certain if there were any great seasons. I’ve fallen behind on my Heroes watching but it did seem to pick up as I watched more. I will still state that Heroes is not a great show but a good show. I enjoy its theme (everyday people with powers), but I know it can only have a great episode here and there.

The Simpsons has had an amazing run, but I know that it needs to come to an end.  The family has performed every action and every job known to man.  It is starting to hit the moment where it is trying to tell the same story again in a different way (with bad results).  I have a new idea though that I believe everyone can enjoy.  The Simpsons should end after this season, but become a new generation’s Charlie Brown.  Only produce the Halloween special yearly.  It is the highest rated episode and usually the best one regardless of the season.

My sports story of the year is another no shocker. Anyone who has seen me over the last few months knows that I live, eat and breath my Atlanta Falcons. The playoffs are here and I’m already pumped. My pro team is playing with passion and as a team. Not only are we a great story but an even better team. When this season is over I’ll have nothing to do until the NFL Draft returns. I mean, no other sport is worth my time after football.

Posted under Movies, Music, Sports, TV

Bedtime Stories

Bedtime Stories

Another year and another Adam Sandler movie is out for many to enjoy, mainly families and kids this time.  Bedtime Stories is basically about Adam Sandler’s niece and nephew who have the power to make their bedtime stories come to life.  Of course, once Sandler’s character realizes this he tries to use it to help him gain his dream job that he was promised.

The movie is cute, funny, and a typical Sandler movie.  All of his usual cast returns in minor roles.  I was, however, shocked to see Guy Pearce (L.A. Confidential, Memento) in this movie because he was never shown in any of the previews. He sure has fallen from L.A. Confidential.  The jokes are tailored for kids, but adults will enjoy them too. I mean, who doesn’t like a guinea pig with gigantic cow eyes.

Overall I wouldn’t pay full price here but it is a good Netflix rental for those that were considering that.


Additional Review:  For this movie, May and I headed to the AMC Fork & Screen, once known as the Buckhead Backlot.  Recent renovations had been performed and I was interested in the update.  I have to say this theatre made the right changes.  New seats, better looking theatre, nice updated bar in the lobby, etc.  For those that don’t know, the concept for this theatre is “dinner and a movie.”  The screen is smaller and servers walk the room serving food and drinks during the movie.  The food isn’t the greatest or the most expensive, but it is a nice way to combine the two (dinner and movie) into one event.  I wouldn’t go to the Fork & Screen for an epic movie, but small comedies are great.  I did like the addition of a button at your seat to call the server over instead of having to try to get his/her attention in the dark.  Overall, the changes make for a better experience and I will be heading back again.

Posted under Movies

Netflix Quick Movie Reviews v2

Here’s the next set of reviews from my Netflix queue.

The Untouchables
The Untouchables
Finally I got a chance to watch this movie from start to finish. Everyone can enjoy a good mobster movie with Connery, Costner, Garcia, and De Niro.
[Rating: 4.5/5]
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
More time was spent reading the title instead of watching the movie. 20 mins into it before I quit.
[Rating: 0/5]
Southland Tales
Southland Tales
I’m not even sure if Donnie Darko could have saved this movie. Maybe the bunny, but not Donnie.
[Rating: 1.5/5]
Hacking Democracy
Hacking Democracy
The title explains it all but the movie was high in the dairy department (cheese).
[Rating: 3/5]
There is something about watching an animated movie in black and white that I just find amazing. Only two colors to show everything? Wow.
[Rating: 4/5]
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor
I’m pretty certain they killed the mummy this time. Well, that or this movie franchise.
[Rating: 2/5]
Posted under Movies

The Wrestler

Say what you want about my love for wrestling during the 90s (and some 2000s), but I’m not ashamed to say that I am looking forward to Darren Aronofsky’s (Pi, Requiem for a Dream, Fountain) next movie with Mickey Rourke (Sin City).  The Wrestler is exactly what it sounds like it is about and I can’t wait for it.

The trailer does not show some of Aronofsky’s normal quick cuts/edits which makes me think he might be trying to stick to his characters more this time or the studio thinks Mr. Rourke has a shot at a few awards.  Whatever, the case may be, I know where I’ll be on January 16th.

Posted under Movies, Sports

14 Days of 007, Day 14

Today’s the big day. For those looking for a list, yesterday was the final day of Bond lists. Today we all head to see Bond, James Bond return to the big screen in Quantum of Solace. This is the 22nd film in the franchise and picks up only a few hours after Casino Royale ended. For those book readers, this is not an Ian Flemming based novel.


Also, I apologize to all of those who were hoping to see this movie with me. I couldn’t pass up a trip to San Fran. I will be seeing the movie out here though so except a quick review on another day.

Posted under Movies

14 Days of 007, Day 13

The openings are key.

Top 007 Bond Opening Sequences

  1. The Spy Who Loved Me
  2. For Your Eyes Only
  3. Octopussy
  4. Casino Royale
  5. View To A Kill
  6. Live and Let Die
  7. Goldeneye
Posted under Movies

14 Days of 007, Day 12

Can the Bonds actually do well outside of Bond movies?

Top 007 Non-Bond Acting Moments

  1. Batman Beyond: The Movie (Lazenby)
  2. The Rock (Connery)
  3. Hot Fuzz (Dalton)
  4. The Rocketeer (Dalton)
  5. Road To Perdition (Craig)
  6. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Connery)
  7. The Untouchables (Connery)
Posted under Movies

14 Days of 007, Day 11

Top 007 Henchmen

  1. Xenia Onatopp
  2. Stamper
  3. Tee Hee
  4. Bambi and Thumper
  5. Number 2
  6. Oddjob
  7. Jaws
Posted under Movies

14 Days of 007, Day 10

These lists are getting harder to make.

Top 007 Phrases

  1. You carry a 00 number, it means you have license to kill, not GET killed! – Dr. No
  2. World domination. The same old dream. – Dr. No
  3. Now the whole world’s gonna know you died scratching my balls – Casino Royale
  4. His name’s Jaws. He kills people – Moonraker
  5. This never happened to the other fellow – On Her Majesty’s Secret Service
  6. Baha! – Diamonds Are Forever
  7. No, Mister Bond I expect you to die. – Goldfinger
Posted under Movies

14 Days of 007, Day 9

What are the movies to avoid? Every franchise has them.

Top 007 Worst Bond Movies

  1. Tomorrow Never Dies
  2. Moonraker
  3. License To Kill
  4. On Her Majesty’s Secret Service
  5. Never Say Never Again (Non Broccoli endorsed)
  6. Casino Royale (with Peter Sellers)
  7. Die Another Day
Posted under Movies