14 Days of 007, Day 14
Today’s the big day. For those looking for a list, yesterday was the final day of Bond lists. Today we all head to see Bond, James Bond return to the big screen in Quantum of Solace. This is the 22nd film in the franchise and picks up only a few hours after Casino Royale ended. For those book readers, this is not an Ian Flemming based novel.
Also, I apologize to all of those who were hoping to see this movie with me. I couldn’t pass up a trip to San Fran. I will be seeing the movie out here though so except a quick review on another day.
Posted under Movies
November 15th, 2008 at 9:36 am
Um, 14 days and no mention of James Bond, Jr. whatsoever!?
November 16th, 2008 at 11:59 am
It made it into one list but that list was scrapped due to not enough other good Bond items to add to it. Sorry.