Hero Inc.

where heroes are an everyday occurrence


Inglorious Basterds

Inglorious Basterds

It’s about time that Quentin Tarantino’s war epic made its appearance. I remember reading about his possible script a few years ago. Nearly double the size of a normal script and filled with every ounce of talent he had. Well, I’m hear to say that he probably produced one of his best movies yet.

I’d love to state that this movie centers on the Inglorious Basterds (a group of no-holds bar Jewish soldiers), but I just can’t.  Quentin weaves a story with many players (as always) but is able to easily make you remember and connect with each one.  Maybe not all of the Nazis, but you get the idea.

Christoph Waltz, or as I term him the Merovingian’s older brother, was perfect. As the creepy Col. Hans Landa, Waltz is able to make you hate and laugh in sometimes the same scenes.  If it wasn’t for his character, I’d have to say that Brad Pitt shined with his hard Tennessee accent.

Overall, I came into the film expecting more gore and basterds but was given less on both fronts.less gore than I thought.  Normally this may leave me wanting more, but Quentin was able to satisfy everything I needed in this movie with one exception.  I really wasn’t big on the ending even if it reminded me of the old war movies (Dirty Dozen, Kelly’s Heroes, etc.)

[Rating: 4/5]

Posted under Movies


The Amateur Critics Guild Says:
July 5th, 2010 at 5:26 pm

[…] part of the AMC Showcase, seeing this film again was a treat.You can really tell when someone is working towards his masterpiece. Quentin’s […]