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where heroes are an everyday occurrence


Welcome Back Mike Vick

Welcome back Michael Vick. You are now “partially” reinstated into the NFL.

Ever since Vick’s release and rumored NFL reinstatement, I have wanted to share my views to a wider range of people. When I say “welcome back” I really mean it. I hope Vick takes full advantage of this second chance and that others allow him the second chance that he deserves (that means you PETA). Ray Lewis took full advantage of his second chance and has been the model NFL citizen since that run in with the law.

I am glad that he has been reinstated, but I don’t agree with the “conditional” terms of the arrangement. Vick participated in the legal process and lost. He was found guilty and served his time. For those people to state he should not be allowed back in the NFL are being ridiculous. Not allowing Vick to return is stating that one does not believe in the legal process and rehabilitation. Don’t even begin to convince yourself that the NFL is a privilege. It isn’t. It’s a job. It’s a job that comes with more money than most normal jobs, but it is still a job. Football is something that came natural to Vick and he should be allowed to continue to showcase that skill.

I’ve said it many times to many different people, but Vick would have been better off if he had killed a human being. Yeah I said that. What he did was terrible, but the lengths people are going with their disgust is absolutely ridiculous. I mean, why should this player suffer worse criticism than a Donte Stallworth or Pacman Jones? Donte killed a human being while driving drunk and only sat in jail for 30 days. Is Donte’s incident acceptable because he didn’t lie about it? If that’s the case then that is just as ridiculous. How many people actually followed the aftermath of the Vick case and the lives of the dogs? The dogs were euthanized because no homes were found for them.

As a Falcon fan, I do not want Vick back on my team. I think it is in his best interest as well as the best interest of the team to move forward away from this terrible incident. Returning to the same stomping ground will just remind everyone of what happened and no growth will result. Therefore, I look forward to the market (NFL or UFL, not the CFL) offering Michael a second chance and the opportunity to get his life back together. Vick was an explosive and entertaining player and here’s hoping he can return to form. Good luck Mike.

Posted under Sports


David Norfolk Says:
July 27th, 2009 at 9:11 pm

Not allowing Vick to return is stating that one does not believe in the legal process and rehabilitation.

I will whole heartedly say I don’t believe rehabilitation works.

Kevin Davis Says:
July 27th, 2009 at 11:14 pm

If I was a gambling man, I’d be more interested on betting on how long it takes him to do something stupid off the field than any on-field performance… but if I was an investor in the UFL I’d be figuring out how to get him on one of my teams ASAP.