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Netflix Movie Reviews v5

Here’s the next set of reviews from my Netflix queue.

Revolution OS
Revolution OS
A geek’s movie about Linux. Too bad it doesn’t go far enough to make it interesting to non-geek’s.
[Rating: 2.5/5]
The Italian Job
The Italian Job
I didn’t enjoy it as much as the new version, but it still had its moments and it was cool for its time period. That and everyone loves Michael Caine.
[Rating: 3/5]

Inside Man
Another great thriller but the ending went farther than it really needed to go.
[Rating: 4.5/5]
Memoirs of a Geisha
Memoirs of a Geisha
It just jumped around too much for my taste. Others seem to like it.
[Rating: 3/5]
Who Killed The Electric Car?
Who Killed The Electric Car?
Whoever did should have also tried to kill this movie. Must see.
[Rating: 5/5]
Charlie Bartlett
Charlie Bartlett
Anton Yelchin is quickly becoming one of my favorite actors to see on the big screen. This kid’s got talent and so did this movie.
[Rating: 4.5/5]
Posted under Movies


Joe Says:
June 1st, 2009 at 1:01 pm

Read the Memoirs of a Geisha book – way better. The movie was only good for all the fantastic film work and set design / landscapes. Seems like a lot of book adaptations jump around too much.

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