Hero Inc.

where heroes are an everyday occurrence


Netflix Movie Reviews v3

Here’s the next set of reviews from my Netflix queue.

Wal-Mart: The High Cost Of Low Price
Wal-Mart: The High Cost Of Low Price
Yeah, this movie pretty much killed any chance that I will go back to Wal-Mart. Shame on the Waltons. Shame.
[Rating: 4/5]
Little Britain - Season 1 Disc 1
Little Britain – Season 1 Disc 1
Not as good as the episode I saw on HBO while I was on the road but it was your typical British comedy.
[Rating: 3/5]
Best Western I’ve seen since 3:10 To Yuma. Of course, it is the only Western I’ve seen since then. Ended well though.
[Rating: 2.5/5]
A Streetcar Named Desire
A Streetcar Named Desire
“Can’t you hear me yella. You’re putting me through hella. Stella. Stella!” Damn you Simpsons. Ruined my ability to…to…
[Rating: 3.5/5]
I felt like I was watching TDK’s bank heist but a long drawn out version of it. And was I the only person not to be in this movie?
[Rating: 4/5]
How to Lose Friends and Alienate People
How to Lose Friends & Alienate People
Simon Pegg is great even in not so great movies. “Orlando, you used to be English.”
[Rating: 3/5]
Posted under Movies


Will Says:
March 12th, 2009 at 6:27 am

These little reviews are great.

I’ve found though, British comedies are really great (Monty Python) or really horrible (The Full Monty).

mike Says:
March 12th, 2009 at 10:12 am

Just now seeing Heat? Yeah seemed like it was a big influence on Nolan for TDK.

Wal-Mart sucks.

I liked How to Lose Friends – gave it a 4. Lol’d a couple of times.

Ben Says:
March 12th, 2009 at 12:10 pm

I have always just seen pieces of Heat and not the whole thing. Similar to “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off”

I believe that Pegg is quickly becoming one of my favs and I’m looking forward to him in Star Trek.