New Simpsons Intro
After being on the air since 1989, the Simpsons have updated their intro yet again as a new way to enter the world of HD content. Here’s a copy of the new intro who missed it tonight (like I did).
I think the team did a great job of incorporating more of the people (angry baby) of Springfield into the intro as well as more of the town. For those true Simpsons fans, if you really watch closely, you can find many “odes” to Simpsons episodes:
- When Bart is writing on the blackboard, you can see Homer the astronaut on the wall.
- When Maggie is being scanned at the market, you will see a breakfast cereal from Homer’s brief stint in Japan.
- Bleeding Gums Murphy is now on the wall of the band room.
- The quick cut to the house includes God and the devil, El Barto, Blinkie, Kang and Kodos, and etc.
- It also seems that the Simpsons have a new HD tv in the living room.
I wonder if this new update will spawn a new update for the Halloween special as well.
I can’t wait to catch the full episode later this week on Hulu.
Posted under TV
February 16th, 2009 at 7:39 am
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