Missed us…
…by that much.
On Friday, it was the coldest it has been all year (and past few months) in Atlanta. The temperatures dropped below freezing and this can mean many things to many people. To me and my roommate, it meant the fear that a pipe bursting at our apartment complex could destroy our prescious belongings.
I arrived home Friday with news from my roommate that an apartment near ours was suffering water damage. When I arrived and saw the multiple carpet cleaning vans and large pools of water, I was quite scared that the problem had grown since my roommate was at the apartment last. Thankfully, our apartment was unarmed (not sure how truly). Here are a few pictures (click for enlargement) I took of the damage.
These pictures are compliments of my new camera. Hopefully with more time, I can take pictures with better quality.
Posted under Other
January 20th, 2009 at 2:59 pm
wow… that’s pretty lucky, man… the sprinkler system pipes in my parking garage froze and busted the other day – luckily it was just in the garage.