Hero Inc.

where heroes are an everyday occurrence


LSU’s 12th Man

This video gets better and better the more times I watch it.

That’s an SEC referee for you.

Posted under Internet, Sports


Will Says:
October 22nd, 2008 at 6:21 am

I have watched this a couple million times now and am convinced that the difference in how it appears in real time and slow motion is vastly different.

That is my expert analysis and is not necessarily expressed by Hero, Inc.

Ben Says:
October 22nd, 2008 at 5:58 pm

I do believe the referee was trying to get out of the way, but when Garcia (the USC QB) cut up the field he instantly defended himself (by standing firm) instead of being run over.

However, if I see a referee square up against Stafford or Moreno on Saturday, then I know something is up.